
Showing posts from May, 2010

Live Music

I just learned that all the milongas at the Miami Tango Fantasy Festival will have live music. That's so cool.


Georgia O'Keeffe: A Portrait - with Cow Skull, 1931 by Alfred Stieglitz   Sou toda H2O por estes dias. Meu corpo sua. Luzes de uma aurora que me traz inquietude e a beleza quase insana de uma manha de maio. Maio. O mes maldito. Repo-u-so. Como foi que me esqueci como escrever? Como se escreve na pele o amor por ti? Ou a falta de? Nunca aprendi a pontuar. Cometo erros de latitude e longitude significantes. Me disseste uma vez que escrevia sobre cores tao desconcertantes como quando te escapava das maos a navalha com a qual fazias, pelas manhas, a barba. E era assim que eu te queria. Sangrando. Intenso. Quase como um apelo que se faz no desespero escuro das noites dilatadas pelo pesadelo da solidao. E hoje em dia, a solidao ja nao e um problema. Nem uma dor. Meu corpo, massa. Compacta. Estatica. Ruinas de ti. Era no sofa da casa antiga e quase sem mobilia que eu me recostava em ti. E te tirava para dancar ingenuamente acreditando que aquilo nos sustentaria. E era enta...


I've met the Tangoman this Friday and yesterday we had a very cool chat. Hope I can go to his concert in June.


This week was the week of tango extravaganza. I had a class on Monday, then went to a milonga on Friday, a class and a milonga on Saturday and a milonga on Sunday. Life is good.


I have been asked recently why do I dance tango. I haven't put much thought into it, but I think the main reasons are: it feels good It gives me an opportunity to express myself through music It allows me to improvise It's good for my body and my mind It helps me to exercise my freedom and my sense of trust It's challenging It looks intense and beautiful The music is amazing


It feels so good to be happy again.


  Christina’s World – Andrew Wyeth I wonder: is there a colored distance between the two of us? If so, what color is it?  Is it the color of craziness, the cold color of loneliness, the abstract color of despair? I sent you an e-mail. I left you flowers, I cried so hard last night because there are words and questions that filled my soul with anger and sadness. I feel like I am Christina. Paralyzed. Longing to find a place in the world that matches my needs. A place where I can feel comfortable and happy and free.  Joy has left. When is she coming back?  The distance between us was what had killed us over time. Not being able to walk to be in your arms and to find your soul was so challenging that I got exhausted. I got tired of chasing you.  Now I am crawling alone again in this yellowish world made of good and bad things. A lonely world.  I cannot even ask you to stay because I feel you were never here.


Sinking boat I see a lighthouse We walked so much One day, you decided to stop walking and I fell apart.

If I called you

If I called you, would you answer? If I believed you, would you change? If I trusted you more, would you be who I want you to be? If I hoped and prayed, would you change? If had forgotten, would you still come back? Would you? What are you going to do now that you're all alone and I will not be at your table smiling and humming the songs we loved?