Terrence Malick

To The Wonder by Terrence Malick He combines music and image in such a way that my senses tremble every single time I watch one of his films. Slow and captivating, an intricate narrative into what happens inside of the soul. To The Wonder captures well my present self. Here and there. Two women in one. One that lets herself be loved by the love that loves her. I also am another woman who loves your blue eyes and the sense of being one. Intertwined somewhere in there, a sense of found and lost faiths. Attentive eyes into the miracle and deep state of being alive and all its wonders and miseries. I no longer wait for. I exist in the present tense. A less intense soul, pervaded by a more subtle taste of colors and wonder. You are my shadow, still. The presence I now know. The same way Terrence portrays the broken souls and the yearning to belong in To The Wonder. Is life really a miracle? A dream? The questions remain: why have I met you? Why did I seek you in the first p...