
Showing posts from October, 2011

Benjamin Solomon

Mommy and Benjamin Solomon Tuesday, October 25, 2011. 

Cranberry Winter

Photo: Cranberries by Dan Garver A Cranberry Winter by J9 We had cranberry tea not long ago. It seems like that winter will always be. We held hands and were protected from the cold. The cold weather was refreshing and inviting. There is always something good about winter here in this town. The leaves don't turn into a special color, not in the same way it happens up north. But the cold breeze brings peace and hope. You brought me hope back in 2009. The moment we started dancing together I knew our tango was going to be special. Then we would come home after going out for walks and make cranberry tea. Mashed cranberries,  boiling water, and honey. Honey, ginger, cinnamon. And then we had a  bright red, velvety, sweet tea. Initially that was your recipe, but it became mine since I added a few ingredients that I liked myself and you accepted the changes. Differently from what happened in the relationship itself. Our souls infused b...


I was so out of it on Thursday night that I didn't pay attention to an offer I got. It just came to me. I was offered $30 to erase fines for a customer. What the nerve! UGH!

Benjamin Solomon

I was adopted by another cat. His name is Benjamin Solomon and he is very cute and affectionate. He was abandoned in a parking lot in Plantation and was hiding in the bushes. My brother, my niece and I went for a walk and my brother spotted him. I couldn't just walk away. He was aggressive at first, but once I held him, he was just fine. I feel so happy with him. He is so tiny and so smart. We are going to the vet. on Tuesday.

Fondue & Forgetting

I want to eat fondue tonight. I want to see the ocean.I want to light a candle. I want to sleep early.I want to forget you.


If I could talk to you. We had a beautiful connection on the dance floor. It hurt so much to see you last night. I did my best to hide my feelings from my face. I had my eyes on you. Who is he dancing with? Is there a close embrace? Now we're both dancing to our songs with other people.How long is it going to take for us to move on? I brought a friend to the milonga. The guy actually invited himself to go and I couldn't say no. I look at this friend and for some reason, I miss Konstantin. I miss his hands and his smell and the smiling eyes. I miss our embrace.  So, when the performers were dancing, I got up and cheered more out of courtesy than anything else. I just wanted to break down and cry. They have been dancing together for a long time. And yet again I missed having Konstantin. It was the same feeling I had when I was watching the Colombian couple at the competition in Buenos Aires. They have found their tango journey.

Keiko Anos Mais Tarde

12/25/2005 Estes tempos Revela-se em mim um testemunho de que renascimentos existem. Talvez eu não acredite no renascimento apregoado pelos tempos de Natal e fim de ano. O meu renascimento teve tempos deslocados. Datas incertas. Períodos confusos, sinais de hemisférios distantes. O meu renascimento teve gestos de estranhos, carinhos de mãe e irmão ausentes, o olhar de alguém que não conheço e já sinto como uma irmã. O meu renascimento não teve data precisa de início, mas pertenceu um pouco à dor da perda da minha vó no início do ano. Estes tempos têm trazido mais buscas, encontros, verdades, confrontos, esperanças, uma amor renovado e imenso pela vida. Estes tempos de batalha cansam e exaurem a mente e atordoam o corpo, mas também limpam e agregam. Este renascimento aviva as cores e os cheiros em mim. Desejos latentes se fazem presente. Corto o que não me faz bem logo de saída que é para não marcar passo. Não desejo alterar a ordem das coisas, mas a fibra e o querer estão presentes. ...

Lovely Song

Giving Up Written by Ingrid Michaelson What if we stop having a ball? What if the paint chips from the wall? What if there's always cups in the sink? What if I'm not what you think I am? What if I fall further than you? What if you dream of somebody new? What if I never let you win, chase you with a rolling pin? Well what if I do? I am giving up on making passes and I am giving up on half empty glasses and I am giving up on greener grasses I am giving up What if our baby comes home after nine? What it your eyes close before mine? What if you lose yourself sometimes? Then I'll be the one to find you Safe in my heart I am giving up on making passes and I am giving up on half empty glasses and I am giving up on greener grasses I am giving up I am giving up I am giving up I am giving up on greener grasses I am giving up for you I am giving up for you I am giving up


Photos by David Lee .

Nos Duas

Fizemos amor todo o dia. Desde que chegaste ate o momento em que te vi partir. Havia em ti o cetim na pele e um sorriso quase continuo. E um tanto de intensidade no se dar e em me querer. Criavas em mim o momento certo: nem mais, nem menos. Ninhos de passaro em meu cabelo, sumo de vida entre minhas pernas. Tamborilavam dentro de mim os ecos desse amor quase roubado. Eu nao tinha certezas para te ofertar. E tu nao tinhas a liberdade de voltar para mim quando. E entao eu me perguntava de quando em quando... quanto tempo a gente tem? Hoje. Talvez nem isso. Mas a gente viveu nos bracos uma da outra. E esse viver e agri-doce. Tem que ser bom enquanto dure. Pode durar uma tarde, uma noite. Um dia. E tem importancia que nao dure? Tem. Existe uma beleza imensa nas coisas construidas atraves do tempo. Mas tambem existe beleza em construir algo no vies do tempo. Correndo contra o tempo. Talvez a gente aprenda e usufrua mais uma da outra ao saber que nao pode durar. Mas me incomoda isso. ...




Lisa Hannigan

If you were alive, mom

You'd be turning 70 today. Nada or Nothing is the tango I dedicate to you on your birthday.


Mexican Women Who Suffer and Love Too Much by Roberto Navarro 30 Days to Getting Over The Dork You Used to Call Your Boyfriend by Clea Hantman Poseidon's Steed by Helen Scales Ok. Ok. It would be nice to have a Kindle. You were right, N****. 


Desert Garden, Huntington Library - Google Images cac·tus noun  /ˈkaktəs/  cacti, plural;  cactuses, plural A succulent plant with a thick, fleshy stem that typically bears spines, lacks leaves, and has brilliantly colored flowers. Cacti are native to arid regions of the New World and are cultivated elsewhere, esp. as houseplants A long time ago, I visited a cacti garden in Los Angeles. I was so mesmerized by its intense beauty. The place was this beautiful area with an amazing library and gardens. One of the gardens was called the Desert Garden. I remember I thought of my grandmother because she loved plants. My mom loved plants too, but didn't like cactus plants/flowers. One day my grandmother was talking to me about the beauty of cactus and she told me my mother didn't like anything. That was an exaggeration, but it was normal given the source. My grandmother had that talent to say things like that. Sometimes she was dry and funny. Sometimes she was just...

Breaking Point

I reached my limit. I have waited for so long to cry.

How To Kill A Tango Song

One of the Worst Couples I have Seen. 1. In tango, less is more. Do it well. Overdoing takes away from your tango. It pollutes the senses. Do less, but do it well. 2. Feel the music. Respect the story the song is telling you and your audience. 3. Do not look into your dance partner's eyes faking that you are feeling passionate. Save that for other places, maybe a park, the movie theater or even the bedroom. The passion in tango should be subtle, real, natural. 4. Do not smile a frozen smile. Do not turn your head to the sides like you have been told to do so or like you are an electronic toy that can be bought at a store and is programmed to act a certain away. 5. Try not to show your goodies in public. Nobody wants to see your pubic areas. That's embarrassing for you and for your audience. 6. If you do tricks, try do them in a way that it doesn't show that you haven't practiced them enough. 7. Rushing will get you nowhere except ahead of the music. You ar...

Sensibilidade - Misterio

Como e que eu, uma pessoa sensivel, sou tao insensivel no que diz respeito a certas coisas?

Ai, Esta Pena de Mim



Listening to Fado lately. Ana Moura is probably my favorite fadista from these recent times.


I've made myself busy, so busy that I don't have time to think. I am finishing a book. I am taking 2-3 classes a week, I helped my teacher thrice this week with teaching, I've been talking on the phone with friends, and I've been going out with new friends. I am doing everything I can to occupy my mind and forget him. And yet this morning I saw his new profile on a networking website. The book I am reading is an excellent report on abusive relationships in Mexico. It's called Yo Te Adoro Y Tu Me Lastimas by Roberto Navarro. It's only available in Spanish. The psychology portion of the book really fascinates me. Now the author is talking about how powerful words are and how to change our mindset and become more positive people. He also mentions that our body is highly affected by the words we speak. Quando ainda estava apaixonada - no mar. No mar eu fui feliz em teus bracos. Uma felicidade fugaz que talvez tenha durado apenas o tempo de um orgasmo - ou dois. J...

Ate que ponto

Estou liberta de teu amor. Do amor que me entregaste na mesa e na cama. Do teu beijo no final de danca. Ate que ponto eu te esqueci, se na verdade ainda estas. Me pergunto se sentes minha falta. Se me queres quando anoitece e nao me tens. Ate que ponto es passado.

Neruda, siempre Neruda

Soneto XC Pensé morir, sentí de cerca el frío, y de cuanto viví sólo a ti te dejaba: tu boca eran mi día y mi noche terrestres y tu piel la república fundada por mis besos. En ese instante se terminaron los libros, la amistad, los tesoros sin tregua acumulados, la casa transparente que tú y yo construimos: todo dejó de ser, menos tus ojos. Porque el amor, mientras la vida nos acosa, es simplemente una ola alta sobre las olas, pero ay cuando la muerte viene a tocar a la puerta hay sólo tu mirada para tanto vacío, sólo tu claridad para no seguir siendo, sólo tu amor para cerrar la sombra.

Searching for

A new job that pays well. I cannot handle the public anymore.

Saldo: entre mortos e feridos sempre salvam-se todos

Final de semana: muitas coisas feitas. a sexta foi um prenuncio. sabado. beijo. vinho. musica ao vivo. domingo de silencio. frio. agua. sal no corpo. sal. dor. Silencio. As pessoas julgam e se preservam. Julgam e tem medo. Julgam e dao conselho. Sao sabias profetas quase encenando no papel de deus. Argh.


  J9 by David L. at the last La Pituca Milonga.  This lace dress was designed by me.  Black didn't photograph well at that place,  but it was a beautiful dress.