
I've made myself busy, so busy that I don't have time to think. I am finishing a book. I am taking 2-3 classes a week, I helped my teacher thrice this week with teaching, I've been talking on the phone with friends, and I've been going out with new friends. I am doing everything I can to occupy my mind and forget him.

And yet this morning I saw his new profile on a networking website.

The book I am reading is an excellent report on abusive relationships in Mexico. It's called Yo Te Adoro Y Tu Me Lastimas by Roberto Navarro. It's only available in Spanish. The psychology portion of the book really fascinates me. Now the author is talking about how powerful words are and how to change our mindset and become more positive people. He also mentions that our body is highly affected by the words we speak.

Quando ainda estava apaixonada - no mar.
No mar eu fui feliz em teus bracos. Uma felicidade fugaz que talvez tenha durado apenas o tempo de um orgasmo - ou dois. Ja nao lembro. Dizer que te amei. Dizer que sofri. Para que? Para que me arrastar nessa dor que parece interminavel. Eu te pedi tantas vezes para que fosses embora. Porque havia algo em mim que me dizia que a gente nao era para ser. Mas tambem havia esse ima que me chamava e me unia a ti.

Ja vivi um grande amor. E foste tu.


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