
Showing posts from December, 2013

How can love never die?

Strong love Undying love Memorable love Expecting love Love love Sweet love Sweating love Dancing love Still love Changing love Loving love You love That never dies


Butterflies, Sun & The Ocean By J9 Não posso deixar de pensar em tudo que aconteceu este ano. Mais que nunca, aprendi a sobreviver. Fiz terapia para curar a dor de um amor perdido. Um amor que não foi. Uma esperança débil que se desfez subitamente. Me perdi depois disso. Perdi o rumo. Encontrei o rumo novamente. Entre altos e baixos, voltei ao amor antigo. Tomei coragem. Fui intensa. E desbravei alguns medos. E encontrei outros tantos medos pelo caminho. Perdi pessoas. Ganhei a confiança de outras. Sinto que estou me cuidando mais. Viajei bastante também. Me frustrei com a vida e com as pessoas ao meu redor. E fiquei triste com algumas de minhas escolhas. Mas escolhi manter a cabeça erguida e a sorrir. Sorrir e rir bastante. Busquei trabalho com certo afinco. Me dei conta que todos esses anos minhas prioridades foram bem outras que o trabalho. E estou, de certa forma, contente com os resultados. Gostaria de ganhar mais, mas não posso ser irracional. Realismo sempre me par...


Hope was a little girl's name. She was sharp. And bright. She was curious. Hope was pretty. Hope was gracious. Patient. Hope could thin out, but never disappear. She was always there. Even if tiny. Hope had roots. It had character. Hope had a history and a future. 

Sonhos Suspensos

Ainda nao foi desta vez que encontrei um grande amor.

Basking in the Sun



Walking by JR. Every year, at the end of the year, I like to make a recollection of what the year was like. 2013 will end very soon,  in a few days and somehow, I feel uninspired to write about it. But I shall say that 2013 was a year of not so much dancing. Tango, I would say, was on the back burner. I did start the year focusing on tango. But that didn't last long. I did go to a competition and managed to get a 3rd place among 30 couples. Soon after that my partnership ended. The same way it had started: abruptly. It was a busy year, nonetheless. I traveled to San Francisco, Baltimore, and Santa Monica. Much more than previous years.It was my first year with Manuel Antonio Gaudi, aka Manolo. It was challenging at first. He is my first dog (on my own). But he was soon adjusted to the rules of the house (which aren't many). I love having him around, even though I think I should spend more time with him. This was the year that I decided to have a maid on a regular basis ...

Cecile Salvant

All That Jazz.


Life is changing so rapidly.