I feel the need to explain to my Dear Readers and fans from around the world, people who are very intelligent and smart, and who know a lot about a little bit of everything what the acronym AFCO means. We are talking about really nice people here. This morning, I got an e-mail that said that I knew that one of my readers knew that I knew that he didn't know what AFCO means. I wonder: how? Anyway, I figure that I should, solely for altruistic reasons - maybe many people wonder about AFCO as well - that I should explain it here. I had to do some extensive research not because I didn't know what it meant, but because I want my readers to have the best of cutting edge information available to them 24/7. So, I cite from this terrific book (which by the way belongs to my private library) which is called the Book Of Mundane Worries, by the renowned author and many-things-wannabe J9, page 06AB:

People who suffer or indulge in AFCO tend to suffer from the following symptoms: they don't recognize the canine existence, they are indifferent to it (even if they take photos for their blogs posing with such animals), they tend to forget dog names, they are cold towards dogs.
On the other hand, they rave about felines, they own felines or felines own them as felines tend to be very domineering, they are not allergic to any feline breeds, they don't mind if their cats present any destructive behavior such as biting, scratching, nipping. For all of the reasons presented above AFCO means: Acute Feline Compulsive Obsession.

This is by no means a comprehensive list of all the symptoms, but the management of this informative and unbiased website sincerely hopes that this helps - at least a little.


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