Pet Peeve
One of my big pet peeves (and I have many) is when I go to a party and start talking to people who know I dance tango and they start a conversation like this:
Person A: So, Juanita told me you're a dancer.
Me: Hmmmm.
Person A: Aren't you?
Me: Well, I dance tango.
Person A: Same thing.
Me: Not really.
There was this one time a guy introduced me to a bunch of people by saying: This is my friend, J*, the dancer. Needless to say I never saw him again, right? He was a total imbecile, but that's beyond the topic of this post.
In my mind, a dancer is a person who either dances for a living or is capable of dancing several types of dances. I think that this generalization bothers me even more because I suck at so many dances. I know it's just one more generalization people make, but it bothers me. I don't want to mislead people into thinking that I can dance to any kind of music (especially the crappy ones) or that maybe I am a cabaret dancer. I am none of those things and honestly I am very content with being just a tango dancer. The universe of tango dancing is so intense and vast that one can explore it for a very long time and never get bored.
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