Crazy Heart

Image: Crazy Heart. Country music has never appealed to me. For some reason, the melodies just don't do anything for me. Nevertheless, I like these two actors a lot and I decided to watch it. Over the years, I think I have become much more critical of movies and it's hard for me to find great movies. I look for certain qualities that are hard to find. It seems to me that the trend these days is to make movies about dark lives and then throw in there a positive ending after the endurance of some problems. At any rate, I liked the movie and I liked the soundtrack as well. I liked it in the movie. More than anything I liked the lyrics. Weary Heart is probably my favorite. I relate to Jean, (the main female character in the movie) a lot. I don't have a son, but we have many other things in common. She wants to be loved. She wants to be a writer. She has given men a chance and it has backfired. She goes against her intuition sometimes. One of my favorite quotes is when she i...