CITA versus La Ideal
For people who tango in South Florida there's a big divide on Sunday nights. Some people go to La Ideal and some people prefer CITA. I have been inclined to like CITA much more. It was my first milonga and I always liked their music better, especially after CS started playing the music there. Then I had a set of regulars there to dance with. I also like that at CITA there was no little groups of young people hanging out without the inclusion of new dancers or the cool people. CITA now for some reason is losing a lot of people. Music is still better, but it's usually empty at 10:30pm. Last night, I took my dad to La Ideal first. We stayed there until 10:50pm. And for the first time in several years, I headed to CITA. It was like dating two guys in one night, I guess. It was my first time going to both of them in one night. People I know usually go from CITA to La Ideal, but I always felt like the energy at La Ideal is dark and weird. Heavy. La Ideal was ok. I danced with a few people but I think they were intimidated by my dad and also not many people know me there. CITA was nicer. I danced with CS, the dj and I was able to use some of the elements Luna Palacios was making me work on last Saturday when I had a private with her. I also danced with a guy from Argentina and that was nice as well. We danced a very nice D'Arienzo tanda. At La Ideal I danced with a guy by the name of M. and I like dancing with him. I even think he could be a good dance partner for competitions. However, I think he is slightly attracted to me and I don't want to be in trouble. I already have plenty to take care of with F. My dad and I enjoyed both CITA and La Ideal. We laughed a lot. People socialized with him. We both went home happy, chatting about failed relationships and how tango is a metaphor for life and love.
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