A new person

I have a new person in my life. Sort of.
When did this happen?

I have been revisiting that old chapter called K. Sometimes it seems impossible to ever love again. Sometimes it seems only possible to love you. I have looked at our old non-tango pictures.

This new person is asking me to be fair. I have always sought to be a fair person. Not sure I was with you K. I wish I could apologize and ask you to forgive me.

I look at my niece and I wonder what the baby would have looked like. I haven't told my dad yet. Not sure I will.

I think we would have had a beautiful baby. But at this point I can only have suppositions. What if the baby looked like what it felt to be in your arms? What a beautiful child that would have been.

Is my dad a new person to me? OR am I a new person to him?
Is this new guy just a broken-hope? I don't know. At this point it seems like nobody is really normal.

Not sure what to do with this relationship and its perks. Not sure what to do with my life.


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