Mental Health Day

As I felt sick yesterday, I decided to stay home and try to relax. There was this interview scheduled for the evening and a tango class I wanted to attend. I did go to Publix. I got my hair done. Made tea. Texted you. Your life is moving away from mine. Breach. You are going to compete with one of my arch-enemies from tango. You are going to San Francisco. I have been told. You said: I love you. The more I know you, the more I know we are not compatible. But I still love you. People were complaining about Gerladine and Ezequiel classes. And yet you were in awe of them. You took a photo with them. The milonga apparently was super crowded on Saturday night because of them and you were probably there. I didn't go to the classes to protest. I didn't go to the milonga because I don't talk to the guy who runs the milonga anymore. I have been making enemies. Last night, G. asked me to dance and I said no. You asked me to take a gift from you and I refused. What is the point? You are going to San Fracisco with I. The girl who was photographed wearing underwear in a milonga with you. I feel so disgusted by your choices. You are a truly womanizer. I wish I could move away from Florida and start all over. I met a guy from India yesterday. He lives in Buenos Aires. I wonder if I could do that as well. Move to Buenos Aires and just go on. As for now, my soul is restless and sad.


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