
Showing posts from December, 2012


 Manuel Antonio Gaudi Sanches Rodrigues  aka  Manolo Aggi  Born November 02, 2012. 2012 was a good year. If my biggest dream of all hasn't been accomplished, I got my small and big prizes some other ways. Edwin recovered well from his surgery. Benjamin grew to be a gorgeous cat.  I went to Buenos Aires and Porto Alegre and had a blast. I worked hard and I tried to get my business off the ground. I took swimming lessons and learned how to swim. I started making jewelry and sold a few pieces. I danced a lot on Sundays. I made plans and I overcame adversity. I was able to manage financially and emotionally. I modeled a couple of times  and that was fun. I performed tango a few times. I got back with an old love and had to call it quits. It was a year of important and new friendships. It was a humbling year. I started learning about makeup and realizing it is much more difficult than what I had initially thought. I met some great tangueros. I had ...

An evening to remember - Life teaches you

My dance partner and I were invited to perform at CITA, the oldest Argentinian Tango Club in Southern Florida. The showcase happened on Sunday, December 09th. We were invited to dance two songs and because it was our last public appearance before the San Francisco competition, I wanted to do anything I could to make the evening a memorable one. I also wanted to make sure I felt confident in terms of clothing, makeup and hair. I invited friends and photographers. I invited my teachers. I brought my iPhone to have the showcase recorded and videos uploaded to YouTube. The photographers couldn't make it, but one of my students had a very good camera and he took pictures and filmed the event as well. We started dancing at the milonga and we were dancing just fine. Then the time for the performance came and I saw myself alone on the dance floor. I couldn't believe what I was feeling. There was no lead from my dance partner's end. I couldn't follow his hesitant mar...