Manuel Antonio Gaudi Sanches Rodrigues aka Manolo Aggi Born November 02, 2012. 2012 was a good year. If my biggest dream of all hasn't been accomplished, I got my small and big prizes some other ways. Edwin recovered well from his surgery. Benjamin grew to be a gorgeous cat. I went to Buenos Aires and Porto Alegre and had a blast. I worked hard and I tried to get my business off the ground. I took swimming lessons and learned how to swim. I started making jewelry and sold a few pieces. I danced a lot on Sundays. I made plans and I overcame adversity. I was able to manage financially and emotionally. I modeled a couple of times and that was fun. I performed tango a few times. I got back with an old love and had to call it quits. It was a year of important and new friendships. It was a humbling year. I started learning about makeup and realizing it is much more difficult than what I had initially thought. I met some great tangueros. I had ...