Twin Flames

Photo by Dan Garver
Title by J9: Twin Flames

Hard to define where we start and where we end. I know I still carry your heart with me. When I saw this image, I thought of what we are. One relentless flame burning in the midst of what is happening around. I sometimes do not know who I am anymore. Do you see how in this picture there are two flames in one? I still don't understand how that is possible. 
The sound of "Take My Leave of You" echoes in the house. I am not alone. I am never alone, and yet you left. 
This past week was crazy. Busy, intense. Full of tears. You, my soldier. Me, your queen. I carry much of the soldier inside of me. 
"Should we meet in the sunrise, stand one last time as two"
I wish you could listen to this song. I hope you can understand the way I feel it. But you were never good at understanding me, were you? 
I sometimes wonder how much of your professed love was real, authentic. None? 

Walk down to the water
Stare out across the blue
Look to where our love was stolen
I take my leave of you.

What I'd give to be unbroken
Find again the love we knew
But now with our past around you
I take my leave of you.

Shall we meet in the sunrise
Stand one last time as two
I look deep into your eyes
Can I take my leave of you?

I look deep into your blue eyes, and I know the answer. I still see you. I have a map of you ingrained in me. Like time has not gone by in my head. You are me.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    You are me.
    I am you.
    I carry the Queen too.
    I wish I could have shown you.

    I tried.


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